Information about our use of cookies

In order for this website to function properly, we occasionally place cookies on your device. The majority of professional websites do the same. The following describes our Cookie Policy. By continuing to use our website, you accept and authorize our use of cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are very small text files that are stored in the memory of your device when our website is visited. They track certain of your activities and record your preferences, which allows the website to provide the best browsing experience when you visit and to identify areas needing improvement.

How we use cookies

We use session cookies and persistent cookies on our website:

Session cookies: These are cookies that function only while you are browsing the website. They allow us to gather information about your activities on the website, and they expire when your browser is closed.

Persistent cookies: This cookies are permanent. They remain on your device for a predetermined period of time and are employed to collect data about your preferences that enables us to offer a more personalized experience on following visits.

The following list describes all the cookies in use on our site and their purpose:

Strictly necessary cookies: These are cookies that are essential to ensure the proper operation of our website. They include, for example, cookies that allow you to log in to our website and to make use of the various functions of our website.

Analytical/performance cookies: These are cookies that enable us to collect information about your use of our website. We use this information to enhance your experience, for example, by ensuring that you are finding relevant content.

Functionality cookies: These cookies allow us to enhance your experience when visiting our site by remembering things like your username and preferences.

Advertising cookies: Advertising cookies are used to deliver ads that are relevant to you and your interests. They gather information about how you use our website (which pages you visit, how long you stay, what links you follow) so that we can customize the advertising you see while browsing our website and measure the effectiveness of that advertising.

Third-party cookies

Third parties (e.g., advertising networks and web traffic analytics services) may also use cookies, over which we have no control. These cookies collect data about your device and usage, typically for analytical, performance, or targeting purposes.

How you can exercise choice regarding cookies

You can control and/or delete cookies according to your choice. You can delete cookies that are already stored, and you can set your browser to reject cookies. If you do this, some services and functionalities of the website may not be available to you.
